Le Percent

In France, the “Baccalaureat” exam officially starts every year in mid-June. This exam is the gateway to college for French students who just graduated from “Le lycée”. It’s a much anticipated challenge for students who prepare this test, with more or less involvement, during the whole “Terminale” school year.… Read More

4L Trophy, the humanitarian rally

The 4L Trophy has been created by Jean-Jacques Rey.
The idea of a race accessible to young people, with a humanitarian objective comes from his participation to the Paris-Dakar. It starts the first edition in 1997 with 3 cars and 6 college students.
The objective of the race is to bring school and sport material to the South of Morocco.… Read More

The Carnival of Dunkirk

When we speak about Carnival, we often think about Rio or Venice. With that said, in France, there is one carnival that’s a little bit different than others, where the stars are not artists or dancers but the locals themselves! It is celebrated in the area of Dunkirk and lasts for multiple weekends in February.… Read More

La Chandeleur : A French Celebration!

Every year on February 2nd, French people celebrate La Chandeleur. On this date, we used to cook crepes, that we would then flip in the skillet while holding a golden coin in the hand, which will bring us luck all year long.

Originally, crepes parties were part of a casual winter family routine that the Catholics picked as the celebration of Jesus Presentation to the Temple.… Read More